Sunday, September 8, 2024

WISDOM 11:24-26 (2024)

WISDOM 11:24-26

You love everything that
exists and hate nothing that you have
made; had you hated anything, you
would not have formed it.

How could anything endure if you
did not will it? And how could anything
last that you had not willed? 

You have compassion on all because all is yours, 
O Lord, lover of life.

---- mine,

You are my creation, you are the work of my hands. You are a thought of God and were brought into a being at a time ordained by God. You are a daughter of the Most High, you are the little sister of the only Eternal Son of the Living God, and because you are Mine I have poured out My Holy Spirit into you and to all who have been baptized and grafted into My Body. You are Mine, I have called you by name, I have carved your name on the palm of my hand and I have made a Covenant of Love with you this is why I ask you to lift up your head. Walk in the freedom of the children of God. I have washed you in torrents of love that poured out from my pierced side and you are clean. I AM Love and since you belong to Me and not just you but every child that has ever been born of woman, I will show mercy and I will save for I AM A God of mercy and compassion slow to anger and abounding in love. Be not afraid not for yourself nor for those you love. 

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