Wednesday, September 25, 2024

PSALM 33:22 (2024)

PSALM 33:22

O Lord, let your love rest upon us,
even as our hope rests in you.

---- mine,

My love always rests on you, always. I love you, you are mine. I have been with you from the moment you were conceived in your mother's womb. I love you with an everlasting love. I created you so you will be mine eternally. I AM the Lord your God nothing is impossible for Me. I have walked with you I have held your hand, I have saved you, I have redeemed you, I have stopped your feet from going astray, I have sought and found you when you tried so often to run away from Me, hidden from Me, and chose so often to follow your will instead of Mine. Each time you wept I was beside you to hold you and comfort you. I have wiped away your tears and poured my grace and mercy into your soul. I have cleansed you, I have washed away your sins, I have blessed you with an abundance of blessings. I have yoked Myself to you and I carry every one of your crosses with you. You never suffer alone and you never will. Be not afraid, ---- my own, it pleases My Father the Holy Spirit and I to give you the Kingdom of Heaven. Remain in My love and in the end I will come for you and I will carry you to that place of rest with Me and you will finally and truly be all Mine forever and ever. 

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