Wednesday, September 11, 2024

ESTHER 14:14 (2024)

ESTHER 14:14

Save us by your hand, and help me, who am alone and have no helper but you, O Lord.

---- mine,

I have saved you. I have upheld you and your loved ones by My glorious right hand and I have saved not just you but those you love. This is My Name, Jesus, one who saves. There is no other name by which men might be saved but the Name of Jesus, the Christ, the anointed of the Father, Emmanuel, God with us. From the Name given to Me by My Father, you know the mission that the Father entrusted to Me and which I carried out faithfully to the end. I, the Christ, I AM the One who saves. I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the first, last, and the Eternal One and I have saved you. Know this too, ---- my own, all is well because I who anointed you have poured out My Holy Spirit on you. He dwells in You and in all who are grafted to Me. I assure you you have nothing to fear but fear itself. I AM God and not man and I keep My Word for I AM the Eternal Word of the Father, the Living Word, He has no other and this Word is a Word that saves. Believe in all that I say to you today, believe and rejoice.

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