Monday, September 16, 2024

PSALM 6:3-4, 9 (2024)

PSALM  6:3-4, 9

My soul also is greatly troubled. 
How long, O Yahweh, how long? 
How long will you be?
Come back to me, O Yahweh, save my life;
rescue me for the sake of your love.
Yahweh has heard my plea;
Yahweh will grant all that I pray for.

---- mine,

As I have said before, I say again, I have heard your prayers and I have answered. In My time, in My way, according to My will, all will be well. I have spoken and My Word will come to pass. Pray constantly. Pray with faith and hope and eagerly look forward to the fulfillment of all My promises for you and those you pray for faithfully. There is never a moment when I am not stooping low over you and those you love. I AM present to all. Lift your gaze and meet Mine gazing back at you and see how tenderly I care for you. Be at peace. Be not afraid. Fear has no place in love. Love believes, love hopes, love endures, love is faithful, and the love of God never ends.

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