Tuesday, September 10, 2024

JOB 11:13-19 (2024)

JOB 11:13-19

If you set your heart aright
and stretch out your hands to him
if you wash your hand of sin
and allow no evil in your tent,
you will then raise your face in honor;
having no fear, you will feel secure.
You will forget your suffering
and recall it only as waters gone by.
Your life will be brighter than noonday
and its darkness like the morning
You will be comforted, for there is hope;
you will be protected when you sleep.
You will lie down with no one to fear;
many will come to court your favor.

---- mine,

You must strive always to be holy and perfect as your heavenly Father is holy and perfect. Pray constantly. Remain in God's presence always, awake or asleep. Keep your heart, mind, and soul, on God alone and offer everything you do no matter how insignificant to Him. Remember how He loves you. He loved you so much that He sent Me, into the world to be the means by which you and your loved ones are saved. God loves the sinner tenderly, mercifully, compassionately, and He woos them unceasingly. You say you have not seen Him, but you have. You see Him in Me - I AM the perfect image of the invisible God. The Father and I are one all that the Father is I AM for He pours HImself into Me and I pour Myself in love into Him. It is I who draw you, your family, and the whole world into the loving embrace of My Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. Remain in My love and you will have life in its abundance. Fear nothing, ---- my own, fear has no place in love. Trust in Me with all your heart and I will give you all the desires of your heart and you will rejoice in Me as I rejoice in you.

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