Saturday, September 7, 2024

PSALM 18:17, 36-37 (2024)

PSALM 18:17, 36-37

Reaching down from above,
he drew me out of the deep waters.

You give me your shield for protection,
your right hand upholds me;
and your help makes me great.
You enlarge the space before me,
my step will not falter.

---- mine,

You will always find my hand extended to you all you need to do, in any situation, anytime you find yourself in trouble, is to reach out and take my arm and I will draw you out of the deep waters, from the miry depths, I will save you. I AM the God who saves, I AM Emmanuel, I AM the Anointed One of God, I AM the Rock, I AM The Eternal Word of the Living God. God is My Father and I AM His beloved Son, He and I are One in the Holy Spirit and I draw anyone I choose into this divine union. I choose you. I hear you. You are Mine, I will go before you, I will protect you, I will surround you with angels and they will walk with you, guard you, and keep you safe  I will prepare the way before you and I will give you light sufficient to light the path before you so your foot will not falter, you will not slip, you will not stray from the right path but remain on firm ground. I AM your God and you are Mine now and forever.

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