Saturday, September 28, 2024

PROVERBS 31:20, 23, 25-26 (2024)

PROVERBS 31:20, 23, 25-26

She opens her hand to the poor,
   and reaches out her hands to the needy.
Her husband is known in the city gates,
   taking his seat among the elders of the land.
Strength and dignity are her clothing,
   and she laughs at the time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
   and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

---- mine,

Today I wish to speak of My Virgin Mother, Mary, and My foster father, St. Joseph. Nothing pleases God more than praise and veneration of the fairest of God's creatures My Blessed Mother. Chosen by God to be My Mother she is My disciple par excellence. There is no better model for you to emulate than her. This is why in the last throes of My passion and before I gave up My Spirit to My Father, I gave her to all My disciples urging them to do as the beloved disciple did, accept her as your Mother and take her home to live with you. She is the mediatrix of all graces and when she pleads for her children to Me, your older Brother, I will give her all she asks for on your behalf for I can refuse her nothing. Next, I want you to revere, praise, and venerate the one I called abba on earth. I addressed him as I address My Eternal Father in Heaven, Abba. All that is Mine I have given you and so all the holy saints who have gone before you are your brothers and sisters as well and St. Joseph, the most exemplary of all who poured out his life for My Mother and Me, is also your papa. Pray to him, ask him for favors no one who has invoked him has invoked him in vain because I, who obeyed him on earth continue to do so in heaven. I refuse him nothing. Ask him to obtain favors from Me for you both great and small and he will. Stay close to heaven while still on earth and all the powers of heaven will assist you in making your pilgrim journey in peace, tranquility, serenity, and grace to the Kingdom of God. 

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