Monday, September 30, 2024

HAGGAI 2:4-5 (2024)

HAGGAI 2:4-5

But I say to you, Zerubbabel, Joshua and
my people: do not be discouraged.
Begin to work, for I am with you, says Yahweh.
Do not be afraid, for my spirit is in your midst.

---- mine,

Do not be discouraged, do not be dismayed, do not be anxious about anything but always and everywhere with praise and thanksgiving continue to make all your desires known to Me. I AM your God, is anything too difficult for Me! I have been with you from the moment you were conceived in your mother's womb. Your breath is the breath given to you by My Holy Spirit. Your life is God's gift to you. In life and in death you are Mine. Stay with Me. Remain in Me. Abide in Me. My Spirit lives in you, moves in you, acts in you, empowers you. Ask and you will receive all that you need in this life not just for yourself but for all you love and care for. I AM with you. I hear you. I answer you - always. I have called you by name. You are Mine. I love you. I laid down My life so you may live. Fear nothing. Again I say to you do not be discouraged, do not be dismayed, all God's plans for you and those you love will be fulfilled. Rejoice and be glad for God is good and His mercies never end.

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