Friday, September 27, 2024

MARK 6:56 (2024)

MARK 6:56

And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the market-places, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.

---- mine,

Take a moment and reflect on the scene during My public ministry, envision the great crowds that followed Me everywhere I went. News of My coming to a new town or village preceded Me long before I arrived, and a great many people waited eagerly and patiently for My arrival. They brought with them all their sick desiring one thing and one thing only - to be touched by Me and to be healed of their sickness whatever that sickness or disease was. They cried out to Me, called My name with anguish, and with tears, pleading with Me to heal them. They pressed around Me so I could barely stand and reached out eagerly to touch just the edge of My cloak believing that if they could touch even the hem of My garment they would be healed and they were. Announce a healing service today and multitudes flock to wherever the healing service is held and the same scene is played out as when I walked the earth. 

Yet, ---- My own, don't you know, don't My people know that the greater miracles take place when you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood in the Holy Eucharist, My Flesh touches yours, My Blood mingles with yours and here we are one in an intimacy that is not possible on earth ever, only in heaven, because this is My Father's will, this is what God makes possible for you. God wills that you have a foretaste of this delight and joy even while you are on earth. Believe this truth - no grace, no healing is withheld from those who receive Me worthily in this Sacrament of love, healing, grace, and mercy.

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