Monday, September 9, 2024

ZEPHANIAH 3:14-15 (2024)

 ZEPHANIAH 3:14-15

Cry out with joy, O daughter of Zion;
rejoice, O people of Israel! Sing
joyfully with all your heart,
daughter of Jerusalem!

Yahweh has lifted your sentence
and has driven your enemies away.
Yahweh, the King of Israel is with you;
do not fear any misfortune.

---- mine,

Today as always, I assure you and reassure you that the time for mourning and grief has passed. Cast off the garments of sadness and gloom, lift your head high, and fix your gaze on the Prince of Peace, He is here and He is with you. He who has heard your cries, your sighs your groaning, and your lamentations in secret is here. There will be no more weeping for I have wiped every tear from your eyes Believe, ---- my own, that your time for rejoicing is at hand, and prepare for feasting and for gladness My peace is flowing out to you and to every member of your family. Be of good cheer for the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Peace, who has descended on you and your loved ones and has lifted judgment from you. He has come with loving kindness. No more fear, no more doubt but only faith, hope, and love for He has come to remain with you always.

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