Monday, September 23, 2024

JUDGES 18:6 (2024)


The priest replied, ‘Go in peace. The mission you are on is under the eye of the Lord.’ 

---- mine,

Take a moment to recall - when do you hear the priest say to you, 'Go in peace?' Open your heart, your ears, and your whole being and ponder for a minute, the words that I speak to you through the lips of my anointed and consecrated priests, 'Go in peace.' You hear it daily at the end of daily Mass and you hear it in the confessional. Peace is My gift to you, ---- my own. Each day you come to Me and tell Me of your anxieties, your worries, your fears, you weep, you sigh, you groan and mourn, and you plead with Me to give you the gift of peace that is already yours. My peace I give you. My peace I leave with you; my peace. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled, or afraid. It is My own peace that I give you to rest in. You can either receive this gift and make it your own and abide in it or you can keep asking for something that is already yours. The mission entrusted to you is the same as the mission entrusted to every disciple, live the Gospel. Live it in faith. Live it joyfully, fearlessly, and humbly, and my peace will remain with you always.

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