Sunday, September 15, 2024

SONG OF SONGS 4:12 (2024)


You are a garden enclosed, my sister, my bride;
a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.

---- mine,

My Body, the Church is my sister and my bride and all who belong to My Church are members of My Body, this is why what I say to each of its members and to you, ---- my own. You are my sister, you are my bride and I AM the Bridegroom of your soul. Keep your heart, your mind, your soul, and your body enclosed as a garden where none but I can enter and come and go as I please. I wish to repose here - I in you and you in Me. Do not allow the world and all its troubles to enter this place of rest where you and I can come together as one. Do not permit the troubles of life to weigh you down. I AM the Lord your God, nothing is too difficult for Me. Call on Me in the time of trouble and I will answer you. Seek Me and you will find Me. Ask and I will provide all you need for all that is Mine is yours just as all that belongs to the Father is Mine. Be filled with My Holy Spirit and with the peace, joy, and love that are My gifts to you through My Spirit. Come, ---- my own, leave the world and its cares behind and enter with Me into this place of rest and I will hold you, and speak to you, and comfort you, and dry your tears, Lean against My breast while I enfold you in My arms and you will find rest and healing and you will be whole once again Be still and know that I AM God and I love you.

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